Monday, October 25, 2021

Daily Life: Day 7 of Isolation order due to Covid-19 infection (Oct 24)

 Day 7 of 10 days isolation order

Decide to wash my bedsheets and pillow case. saw got urine stain on both sides of the mattress. Decide to google to see if can use steam mop to do the cleaning... Not too sure but decide to use it anyway. failed. unable to remove the stain and the area where the steam mop went is wet. Decide to let it dry for the whole day before putting on the new bedsheets.

Decide to use the steam mop on the windows. Using the window wiper did the cleaning. not used to windows cleaning so decide to switch to use the normal spray instead. did clean the windows and its railing. so much dirt. As did not use the proper tools the water left on the window create stain so use tissue paper to dry up. 

Clean up my clothing rack top since not able to reach without the ladder. may as well do a house cleaning and clean up. All clean n tidy. Take my pillow cases out to wash while putting the pillow case out to the sun. Using the sticky roller to remove the dirt from the wall since using water does not help. 

Decide on using the prawns from my wed purchase so left the prawns in the cooler section from freezer. but still very cold so have to break them up into smaller section. Took as much as possible for single meal and keep some into separate container and remaining in the box for the following week.

Morning when i was cleaning the house my Friday Qoo10 order of vegs came in. I ordered spinach, tomato and 2 packs of leafy vegs. All for the remaining days in IO. The tomato is all yellow-skinned instead of red skin but since cannot taste so does not matter.

For dinner decide to order yong tau foo from kampung admirality. ordered from at 4.40pm for order to come between 6.30-7.15pm. Got some discount when using DBS to pay though not much. the order came n left on my door for contactless delivery. it came around 7.15pm without any call to my mobile.

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